Friday, May 21, 2010

Dreamhost promotional offer for 2.95$ per month! Grab it india

I usually post mobile tricks.But i found an offer for webhosting at dreamhost which is very cheap than ever.So i thought i would inform all the indians about that so that they utilise it.Noramally dreamhost provide hosting for 8.95$ per month.But using this offer you can get is for 2.95$ per month and also a free domain name registration.

for more details about this offer.

I advice all indians,that this could be the cheapest when compared to indian webhosting companies.

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This blog deals with mobile tricks,softwares,mobile games.we aim at giving you all free of cost.our tricks will help you use your mobile better.All These gprs tricks,free calling tricks are found bcoz of sharing only!so if you know a trick email me at sweet7rock{{{{AT}}}}


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